Buttercream Creations By Elaine
"Taste Is Everything"I started working as a cake decorator in 1989 and my passion for making cakes grew from there. In 2006 my dream came true and I was able to open my own cake shop. It was called Elaine’s Custom Cakes & Cookies and later Elaine’s Custom Wedding Cakes, With the help of some great clients I became very successful, very quickly. After ten years I needed a break to spend more time with my family.
Now I enjoying baking from home on a much smaller scale.
I have had a few really great teachers, like Tony and Clara from Scratch Baking, Mr. Nadler, form Nadler’s Bakery and Gini from Gini’s Home Baking. I have also had some really great mentors, like Cynthia from Cakes & More and Susie from Creations Cake shop. Cynthia and Susie helped me in so many ways to get started when I opened my shop. They all gave me so much encouragement and I am forever greatfull to them.
The most important thing I learned over the years is, even with of all the fun baking and decorating skills I have learned, I still believe the most important thing is how the cake taste. It is a challenge creating something from scratch that tastes as good as it looks. This is one reason why I prefer not to cover my cakes in fondant, although I have used fondant along with white chocolate Ganache to cover sculptured cakes. I was taught to ice wedding cakes as smooth as I could, so smooth that the cake looks like it was covered in fondant, but the best part is not only does the cake look beautiful it tastes delicious too, because “taste is Everything.”